(8) Most of the cantons have adopted legislation on data protection for the areas for which they are competent, in particular public hospitals, education, direct cantonal taxes and the police. In the remaining cantons, such data processing is governed by regulatory acts or by the principles of cantonal case-law. Whatever the source and content of the cantonal provisions, or even if no cantonal provisions exist, cantons must adhere to the constitutional principles. In their field of responsibility, the cantonal authorities may have to transfer personal data to public authorities in neighbouring countries, mainly for the purpose of mutual assistance to safeguard important public interests or, in the case of public hospitals, to protect the vital interest of the persons concerned.
(10) The legal standards applicable in Switzerland cover all the basic principles necessary for an adequate level of protection for natural persons, even if exceptions and limitations are also provided for in order to safeguard important public interests. The application of these standards is guaranteed by judicial remedy and by independent supervision carried out by the authorities, such as the Federal Commissioner invested with powers of investigation and intervention. Furthermore, the provisions of Swiss law regarding civil liability apply in the event of unlawful processing which is prejudicial to the persons concerned.
(11) In the interests of transparency and in order to safeguard the ability of the competent authorities in the Member States to ensure the protection of individuals as regards the processing of their personal data, it is necessary to specify in this Decision the exceptional circumstances in which the suspension of specific data flows may be justified, notwithstanding the finding of adequate protection.